Science@School News: 32 new school projects for 2021-2022

At Bayer Foundation, we believe that making science education exciting and inclusive for all pupils is the basis of building trust in science across the whole of society for future generations.
Our Science@school program which has been running since 2007 is a big part of our ambition to make science accessible to all pupils. The program offers schools up to 20,000€ to make science education more exciting and fascinating for students and to support teachers with their creative ideas and projects.
Since 2007 we have supported this project with more than 6 million euros and for more than 600 projects, with 32 schools across Germany being selected in this year’s program.

You can read an interview with Anna Gerliz, one of our supported teachers from an Elementary School in Overath. Her brilliant project about microscopy was selected to receive funding in 2020 here.
We would like to thank all the schools applied and their great ideas. We are very happy that we are once again able to support children and teachers who want to make science an important part of their lives.
Selected schools for 2021-2022
Special mentions:
“Diversity in the school garden – we collect sun rays, color and words” from the Gymnasium Odenthal, Odenthal, was particularly exciting to the jury. The school want to extend their school garden to retain the biodiversity and extract colors form the flowers.
“Molecular biodiversity of insects in the school environment” from Heinrich-Böll-Gesamtschule, Elberfeld, was selected by the jury experts as the most exciting and future looking. In an experimental workgroup, in which interested students develop, design and implement scientific experiments independently in order to present them by using modern digital methods.
“Insect friendly school” from Don-Bosco-School from Knapsack received more funding than requested to ensure enough microscopes can be purchased to properly allow all students to experience the diversity of the various insects and plants on a new level.
All selected projects:
Freiherr-von-Stein-Realschule, Bergkamen
“Explore electric with „Dynamot”
Realschule Oberaden, Bergkamen
“We bring our Lego robot to life”
Euregio-Gymnasium Bocholt, Bergkamen
“International biologieolympics“
Sophie-Scholl-Gesamtschule Hamm, Bergkamen
“Bees on the Sophie-Scholl-Gesamtschule Hamm – Bee course“
Willy-Brandt-Gesamtschule Bergkamen, Bergkamen
“Heb Garden 3.0: Sustainability Lab – Implementation of an interdisciplinary lab to address sustainability issues”
Archigymnasium Soest, Bergkamen
“The rolling-environment-Lab”
Städtisches Gymnasium an der Hönne, Bergkamen
“Studies on the response of plant photosystems to natural and anthropogenic stressors” & “Molecular biological studies for the determination of hereditary pathways”
Martin-Buber-Oberschule, Berlin
“Start-Up: Bio-Food production by the automatic vertical aquaponic system”
Sekundarschule Zörbig, Bitterfeld
“Everything about water- an essential substance”
Ludwig-Schwamb-Schule, Darmstadt
“Scientific, cooperative & inclusive learning at the Ludwig-Schwamb-School in Eberstadt”
Lichtenbergschule Darmstadt, Darmstadt
“Living materials“
Bettina-von-Arnim, Dormagen
“Research kit – independent learning and experimentation”
Realschule Hackenbroich, Dormagen
“Wild bee garden – for even more bees”
Norbert-Gymnasium Knechtsteden, Dormagen
“Introduction of digital acquisition systems for the subjects, biology, chemistry and physics"
Theodor-Heuss-Realschule, Granzach
“Ecosystem meadow – We examine a flowing watercourse”
Prismaschule, Langenfeld
“Bionik – Ideas put into form”
GGS Overath, Köln
“Our mobile student-laboratory”
Goldenberg Europakolleg, Köln
“Make your own models for biology lessons from the 3D printer”
Gymnasium Neue Sandkaul, Köln
“Biochemical analysis of milk and milk products”
KGS Burgweg, Leverkusen
“Technik tower”
Gymnasium Odenthal, Leverkusen
“Diversity in the school garden – We collect sun rays, color and Words”
GGS Heinrich-Lübke-Straße, Levekerkusen
“The green thumb of the GGS Heinrich-Lübke-Straße”
Peter-Ustinov-Gesamtschule Monheim, Monheim
“Digital microscopy“
Gymnasium Sedanstraße, Wuppertal
“Sedan hums”
Schiller-Schule Bochum, Bochum
“All about honey”
Heinrich-Böll-Gesamtschule, Wuppertal
“Molecular biodiversity of insects in the school environment”
Wilhelm-Dörpfeld-Gymnasium, Wuppertal
“Plants 356 days a year – a greenhouse for the schoolgarden” & “A terrarium for the Majorca natal toad (Alytes muletensis)”
Carl-Fuhlrott-Gymnasium, Wuppertal
“Carls green school-lab”
Gymnasium Am Kothen, Wuppertal
“Healthy by nature”
Don-Bosco-Schule, Knapsack
“Insect friendly school”